Watch This MR2-Based Lamborghini Replica Deliver A Christmas Tree

Some people build Lamborghini replicas to fool onlookers into thinking they’re rich. Some people build Lamborghini replicas to try and capture some of the style and mystique of a supercar without breaking the bank. And some people build Lamborghini replicas to strap a Christmas tree to the roof and deliver it to a photography studio.

That fate befell the Murcielago kit car from the YouTube channel Hard Up Garage, dubbed the Lampoorghini. Built this summer and based on a much less expensive Toyota MR2 Turbo from the 1990s, the Lampoorghini looks the part – at least until you get close. Once you start inspecting it, you notice the passenger-side door doesn’t open due to an overeager slam earlier in the car’s life, the windows don’t close all the way, and the headlights and badging don’t quite match those of a real-deal Murci. Still, the fake Lambo attracts plenty of attention, and that’s before Hard Up Garage’s Sam and fellow YouTuber AdamC3046 loaded it down with a Christmas tree on the roof.

As you’ll see in the video above, the journey to get the tree isn’t exactly seamless. Those aforementioned door windows, combined with Britain’s typically drizzling winter weather, mean both occupants get fairly soaked driving down the road. All that moisture inside evaporates and collects on the windshield, killing visibility – even with the single wiper working overtime outside. Eventually, neither the driver-side door nor the passenger-side window will close, making matters even more exciting.

Eventually, Adam and Sam get to the tree lot and load a big 10-footer onto the roof, decorating it for the ride with some tinsel, lights, and even a star hanging off the tip. Trundling through town, the faux Lambo is a sight for onlookers armed with phones and cameras. Finally, the MR2-based Murcielago arrives at The Studio, a local photography studio that needs a Christmas tree for a charity event. After a quick photoshoot atop the Lampoorghini, the tree gets unloaded and the YouTubers head home.


It’s all a big, silly boondoggle, but there’s no denying the joy of seeing a kit car Lambo carrying a fully decorated Christmas tree on its roof. Children laugh, pedestrians give a thumbs-up, and fellow motorists bemusedly shake their heads. Joy to the world, indeed.