Three Ways to Make Your Commute More Bearable


Most people spend hours each week in their cars driving back and forth to work. This can be grueling and seemingly wasted time that you would rather be spending with your family or doing things you like. Working at home may only be an option for some people, meaning that the choice for everyone else is to find a way to make their trip better so that the time spent in the car getting to a from work doesn’t seem so much as a horrible necessity as some great time to unwind.

1. In-Car Entertainment

Having something to listen to while you are in the car is essential when you are commuting a lot. Luckily, we are beyond the point of being stuck with a few cassettes or whatever is on the radio. Satellite Radio offers hundreds of stations that cover pretty much every genre of music you can think of, along with major news stations, live games for your favorite sports teams, comedy shows and talk on many different topics. You can also purchase a bunch of your favorite music or sign up for a streaming service and create an ultimate commuting playlist. If books are your thing, consider signing up for an audio book service and listen while you are driving.

2. Carpool

Carpooling has a couple of great advantages. First, you get to save on gas money since you will be able to share your rides with others in your carpooling group. Second, the time to work will fly by because you will have passengers for company. Setting up a carpool, even if it is just a few days a week, is easy. Just find some work friends that live near you and come up with a schedule on who will drive on which days.

3. A Great Commuter Car


If you are spending hours a week in your car, you need to make that car a pleasant place to be. With the Dodge Journey from Costa Mesa Dodge, you will get all the latest the latest technology such as Bluetooth and in-car WiFi along with seating for seven and great power. Not only will you have all of the entertainment you need for your trip, but you will also have a car for your carpool that everyone will envy. Find out more about the Journey and other great cars for your morning commute at

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